Work Better. Spend Less. Why wouldn't you?
Our innovation is driven by two core beliefs: that there are better, more productive ways to work, and that progressive technology should not cost the earth.
This is something we wholeheartedly believe in. The best technology should not be the preserve of the super wealthy. Society benefits when we share the proceeds of our innovation; when we can evolve together.
Inevidesk is a product of this approach.
Our aim in developing Inevidesk was to open up the benefits of virtual desktop infrastructure to the wider AEC sector. We already worked with a lot of architectural practices and very few of them had even heard of, let alone considered use, of virtual desktops. The technology had been available for some time but hadn’t gained much traction in the industry.
This is because it was incredibly expensive.
As we have launched into the market, we’re getting a better understanding of who uses what and can see just who is using virtual desktop services right now: Arup, Sheppard Robson, Wilkinson Eyre, Fosters. The big guns.
Why would these big established organisations be using virtual desktop technology? Because it’s the best approach for linking up national and global offices, for scaling resource, for improving efficiencies and productivity and retaining that competitive edge. And of course, in our Covid impacted world, a great solution for supporting agile working.
And the technology they use? It is expensive stuff. VMware, Citrix, Nvidia Grid, Panzura, Riverbed, NetApp, Azure. Big, long established brand names in high-end technologies for virtualisation, WAN optimisation, distributed file systems and scalable cloud services.
We’ve looked into these technologies for our clients over the years, but they were out of reach. Too expensive. Too complex.
Our aim in developing Inevidesk was simple. We wanted to create a virtual desktop service that (a) matched or bettered existing solutions in terms of performance and (b) held the price as close as possible to that of a physical workstation. We wanted something that would disrupt the dominance of the prevailing tech solutions for agile working. Something we would describe as a ‘no-brainer’.
We have achieved this.
Inevidesk leverages a slew of different technologies to provide an affordable, high performance solution that opens-up the potential of virtual desktop infrastructure to the whole sector. We’ve managed this through years of research, a few strategic partnerships and our own depth of expertise of working within the industry.
Inevidesk is an absolute game changer.
There is now no reason to tie your staff to a desk. No reason to spend countless thousands - or tens of thousands - on under-utilised office space. No reason you can’t run offices outside of London or the UK and have everyone work within the same centralised and secure infrastructure. No reason to put up with problems of syncing data from multiple different cloud solutions.
No reason you can’t take advantage of the same cutting-edge technology as the big guns.
And no need to spend more on your IT than you do already. Inevidesk is around 50% less expensive than using BIM 360 and 50 – 70% less expensive than using other established VDI solutions of a similar specification. It works out about the same as a physical workstation over three years per vdesk and opens up a whole slew of cost saving possibilities. For once this is tech that won’t end up costing you more.
Now we really want people to hear about what they can achieve with Inevidesk. To try the service. Hopefully buy the service! And spread the word.
We will be spending the rest of this year working hard to speak with as many of you as we can as we endeavour to put Inevidesk on the map and help the industry put into practice really effective post-pandemic strategies.
Join Hopkins Architects, Flanagan Lawrence, Hutchinson & Partners, Lipton Plant, Weston Williamson + Partners and a growing number of other forward-thinking companies. Try Inevidesk now.
Hopkins Architects: 'Inevidesk is by far the most capable remote working solution on the market given it’s been designed specifically for the industry'
Hutchinson and Partners: 'in terms of performance and price point ... Inevidesk is now the one to beat'