IT planning and the global tech shortage

As the world appears to slide into increasing uncertainty, one of the key factors that an IT Director needs to consider (alongside increasing power costs, mounting cyber attacks, rapidly evolving hybrid working practices and the threat of nuclear war - we know you have a lot on your plate) is the continuing constraint of available technology, which does not seem like a problem that is going to abate any time soon.

How to plan your budget for the year when you (a) don’t know what is going to be available at any given point or (b) how much it is going to cost? How to respond to sudden growth when you may not be able to get your hands on adequate equipment for 3 - 6 months?

Dynamic cloud computing could be the answer, but frankly we have spoken with a good number of organisations who have looked at, or temporarily adopted, Azure, to find costs here spiral rapidly, making this an unsustainable option.

Dedicated resources seem to still be the best way forward, but how to ensure you have what you need and best support your organisation in what is still a shifting landscape?

By virtue of our longstanding connections with a wide variety of suppliers, we have been working hard over the past year to source components in order to deliver our virtual desktop solution to an exponentially increasing client base. Hundreds of pod chassis shipping from China, hundreds of high spec GPUs ordered 6 months in advance, a constant eye on the availability of RAM, processors etc. Investment and forethought.

So whilst we can’t guarantee a rapid turnaround at all times, we are much better placed than most to be able to deliver in a reasonable time frame. As demand for our service increases much of our stock is being secured by advance orders however, so the earlier you can place an order the better.

And of course, where our service delivers all the benefits of virtual desktop infrastructure for the price of a physical workstation we ably help support the move to hybrid working, more efficient use of office space and higher performance remote working without the over commitment of budgets.

So, if you are planning your next year’s budget; or if you have it signed off but are still undecided about what to procure; or even if you have decided, but haven’t considered Inevidesk as yet:


Contact us.

Check out our service.

I guarantee it will not only meet, but exceed your requirements and likely come in under your anticipated budget. In an uncertain world that’s a hell of a thing to hold onto.


Too good to be true? Try us.


Inevidesk at Digital Construction Week