Goodbye 2022. Hello 2023.

The end of the year is always a good time to pause for breath and take stock. To look up from the daily grind and ask where are we and what happens next?

Here at Inevidesk we've further established ourselves as the modern infrastructure of choice for an increasing number of organisations. We've moved our hosted services into a private datacentre suite. We've hosted our first Forum event. We've evolved the service offering to involve less upfront cost and more choice for clients in terms of how they connect to their virtual desktops. We've upgraded our administration portal to enable even greater efficiencies.

It's been a pretty good year.

But what happens next?

Well, we're facing a recession. We know that. Which means tough times for many. Our approach will be to promote innovation as a means of both mitigating some of the negative impacts whilst also helping our clients onto a smarter path for future success. We can and should all evolve out of the coming storms in much better shape, ready and able to navigate the continuing changes and challenges that will undoubtedly follow.

One of our Founders, Tim Whiteley, spoke a little on this at our recent Forum. How a move towards greater virtualisation can help organisations better cope with financial pressures and other future shocks. You can check it out below or - better - contact us for a more in depth discussion. If you are not having these conversations now: you will be soon.

What's your vision?

The Inaugural Inevidesk Forum

Despite train strikes, torrential rain and the loss of one of our speakers, we pressed ahead with our very first forum event at The Building Centre on 8th November. We spoke on the changing working practices within the sector and the need for a continued evolution. Our headliner, Professor Neil Spiller, Editor of AD and holder of many illustrious academic positions, gave us a personal perspective on the relationship between Cyberspace and Architecture.

We strongly recommend you give it a watch. And maybe come along to the next one, which may, or may not, be virtual!

Our clients in 2022

dMFK jumped onto our fully hosted infrastructure prior to their office move and found in doing so that they can exploit their beautiful new office space in a way that has improved their team spirit, collaborative practices and ability to adjust with rapidity to the needs of any particular day. (We hope to have a detailed case study very soon).

Hopkins Architects moved from an on premises arrangement to become fully hosted also, freeing up real estate that used to be a server room and improving their resiliency via our redundant datacentre power and connectivity.

Architype, Allies and Morrison, Aros Architects, Augustus Ham engineers, Cowan Architects, DRDH Architects, DWA Associates, Focus on Design, Giillespies Landscape Architects, Marek Wojciechowski Architects, PLP Architecture, Plowman Craven and Silver Energy Management Systems also adopted Inevidesk either on premises or hosted. Which makes us - we believe - the most popular virtual desktop platform in use in the UK AEC sector!

(You can let us know if you think we are wrong - at which point we will confidently explain why we are the least expensive (by far), highest performing and ONLY solution actually developed by people with an in-depth knowledge of the industry and hopefully convert you to the cause).

We look forward to speaking with many of you in 2023!


Level Up


Watch the Inaugural Inevidesk FORUM