Business transformation with Inevidesk: the right next step 

There is no doubt that the AEC industry is undergoing a period of transformation, where decades old ways of working are being assessed and adjusted to better respond to the possibilities of today and the potentialities of the future. 

These changes take in a wide range of factors including employee wellbeing, environmental impacts and office redesigns, but the underlying driver is, of course, the need to remain competitive: improving working agility, resiliency and talent acquisition to maintain success. 

Technology is not the whole answer, by any stretch, but it is the enabler. Modernising your organisation’s technical infrastructure opens up the potential to improve your competitiveness and future proof your business. 

By simply transitioning from legacy physical workstations and fixed office desks, to a virtualised arrangement, a whole host of capabilities and benefits  can then be unleashed. From collaborating with colleagues in different offices or abroad at the same high-level of performance, to sub-letting spare office space that had previously been taken up by server and store rooms. That’s the potential our customers are realising. Plus much more.  

Because of this, many have already made the leap to fully hosted virtual desktop infrastructure. 

But they tend to start with small steps. 

Shedkm, 5Plus Architects and B+R Architects: the first step 

Our latest additions to the Inevidesk family have taken one or two of our pods each (which each contain seven vdesks) to sit within existing on premises infrastructure.  Welcome B+R Architects, 5Plus Architects and shedkm

Our vdesks are a supplement to, or replacement of, physical workstations. A new technology introduced to a traditional arrangement, that opens up the door – if a decision is made to progress in such a way – to increased virtualisation and an untethering from office-based infrastructure and its inherent risks and space requirements. It’s a first step towards a new way of working. 

Inevidesk: the right step 

Making significant changes to how your business operates is always a concern. You want to ensure you take the right next step. And we understand that considering new technology creates anxiety for many. 

It’s a big investment? What if it doesn’t work? How will it impact our team? 

That’s why we designed Inevidesk to be adopted incrementally. There is no over commitment. A chance to assess the service in production before extending the technology further into your business. 

It’s why we made it affordable. Pinning the price as close as possible to that of a physical workstation. We know great technology is pointless if it wipes out your budget. 

We’re also very confident that, once introduced, Inevidesk will impress. Users immediately notice an improvement in performance. IT managers immediately benefit from the efficiencies of deploying virtual machines. Business leaders quickly realise the wider strategic potential. 

Hence many of our clients (both large and small architects and engineers) have now moved their entire workstation estate over to Inevidesk. They aren’t taking small steps anymore. They are running, fast and with confidence into the future. Aros, Cowan, dMFK, Flanagan Lawrence, GRID, Hopkins, Lyndon Goode and more … 

It is these decisions that demonstrate the desire and need for transformation. Their experience proves that change can be overwhelmingly positive. And their choice of Inevidesk shows the direction in which to take that next, ever so important, step. 



Inevidesk vs HP Z Rackmounts 


Scaling up and setting a new standard for virtual desktops in the AEC industry