A ‘How to’ Guide for Inevidesk

People often tend to stick with the status quo. 

It’s something I’ve seen throughout my decades of experience in the AEC industry, and certainly since co-founding Inevidesk. 

When we first speak to companies, they’re often sceptical of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), but once we explain its affordability and how easy it is to implement, we find that most want to try it out for themselves. 

That’s why we support AEC organisations that wish to trial Inevidesk for free throughout the implementation process. The option to try us out before purchasing is one of the reasons why we have 100% client retention since we launched Inevidesk to the market in September 2020. 

It's also why you should keep reading to learn how we ensure a seamless and painless transition from fixed workstations to Inevidesk.  


An Informative Consultation 

The beginning of any successful client relationship requires great communication. At the consultation period, we seek to create exactly that…  

Whenever we first speak with a new company, the first thing we do is evaluate their needs. Whether their motivation for adopting VDI is to redesign their office space, remove their reliance on fixed workstations, or support hybrid and home working, we’ll evaluate exactly how Inevidesk can help to improve their working practices. 

It doesn’t matter how much existing knowledge these companies have of VDI. And they certainly don’t even need an IT professional who already understands it either – because we’re more than happy to explain what Inevidesk does and what it can do for them. 

But of course, we understand that seeing is believing. We provide access to our hosted trial pod so that you can see our high-spec vdesks in action before purchasing. 

We have a friendly team which will be on hand to answer any questions throughout this process, as well as a detailed user guide which outlines how to utilise the Parsec remote desktop connection service – the best-performing remote desktop technology currently available. We’ll give you all the information you need to get started and see what Inevidesk is truly capable of. 


A Seamless Installation Process  

Once a successful trial period has concluded, many companies are keen to move forward and set up their Inevidesk service. 

At this stage, we’ll help you to get started - either on premise with your existing servers or fully hosted with us in our London data centre.  

Next, we’ll give you a login to our admin portal and a link to our useful admin guide, which gives your company administrator everything they need to manage pods and users, from guidance on the initial deployment, to vdesk creation/deletion, template replication, Inevidesk updates and beyond.  

We find that our customers are usually particularly impressed by how quickly they can clone vdesks with Inevidesk – it takes only 2-3 minutes per vdesk. That’s a huge upgrade on the time-intensive methods of the past for fixed workstations, which included storing your applications on each individual computer, full cloning or centralised software solutions. 

We’ve perfected this quick and easy process, so if this is all sounding too technical, there’s no need for concern. When you begin installing Inevidesk at your company, you can be assured that we’ll be right there with you along the way to provide any assistance you need. 



Our support doesn’t stop there. Once Inevidesk has been fully implemented, we can provide as much or as little assistance as you require. We’ll start by reaching out within the first few weeks following implementation, and from there, we very much welcome feedback and questions at any point. 

We also constantly look to make improvements to the Inevidesk platform that benefit you. In the past few months alone, we’ve rolled out a series of developments including a notification centre so task routes can be directed for easy access. It's our way of showing we’re listening to our customers and always looking to improve the ways VDI can enhance ways of working.  

So far, we’ve been more than encouraged by the response to our VDI platform. In fact, most companies that adopt Inevidesk typically expand their use following an initial implementation. For a prime example, look no further than Hopkins Architects, the London-based firm which went from having no vdesks to having everyone in the entire organisation using Inevidesk within 18 months (that’s around 150 architects …). 


Get in touch  

From an informative consultation process, through to a simple and easy installation period and a reliable team that is on hand to support you post-implementation, there’s no reason not to introduce Inevidesk to your AEC organisation. For more inspiration on how we can help, check out our blog on the five ways our customers are innovating with Inevidesk

So, whether you’ve now seen the light when it comes to VDI, or you’re still on the fence, get in contact with us to discuss how Inevidesk can be seamlessly integrated into your business.  



Inevidesk win at the Building Innovation Awards


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