2022: A year of positive change

A new year is generally a time where we look at things with fresh eyes. The Christmas break having given us a moment to step away from the daily toil and raise our heads a little, before we get sucked into the maelstrom again.

Many organisations are also looking at the end of their financial year and the commencement of the next one in April - the three months leading in being a time to (a) spend any remaining budget and (b) planning what investment is possible or required for the upcoming year.

Budgeting for the past couple of years has necessarily been somewhat ad hoc as organisations responded to the ongoing pandemic and the requirement to work from home. A lot of laptops have been purchased and deployed. Understandably, because of this, spending on core infrastructure has perhaps taken a back seat as investment was redirected towards supporting home working and IT directors waited for the longer term implications of the pandemic and hybrid working to shake out.

In that time infrastructure and on premises workstations (which are still primarily being used by most, via remote desktop software) have aged and much is now due to be refreshed in order to ensure best performance and prevent disruption. This year, therefore, is likely to be the year that companies start to invest in their infrastructure once more, both out of necessity and because they have much greater confidence in what is now required to support new, more agile ways of working.

We saw this momentum start to build towards the end of last year as many companies we have been talking to started to trial and implement our virtual desktop service, with a good number of them either moving wholesale to our hosted solution (and retiring their on premises infrastructure) or taking initial steps to incrementally move to our VDI platform over the coming months.

A lot of companies who expressed an interest, but have not yet placed an order, anticipated that they would do so in the first 3 months of 2022. This feels like an early swell of what will become a rather large wave.

What was gratifying to hear from many last year is that our Inevidesk offer unlocked their decision making process by ‘ticking all the boxes’: high performance, low pricing, flexibility of implementation and an expert team who understand the industry.

2022 is going to be a year of positive change: proactive rather than reactive and a time when foundations are laid for long term strategies to support better ways of working. And Inevidesk will be an integral part of that change.

Want to know more? Drop us a line at info@inevidesk.uk to arrange a chat.


Inevidesk at Digital Construction Week


An end of year round-up